4 Steps to Achieve an Energy Efficient Home

Endow your beloved abode with a premium energy-efficient setting.

Investing in making your home an energy-efficient place is always worth it. It might seem overwhelming in the beginning, but the results are worth the effort.
An energy-efficient home will save you money on your energy bills alongside being responsible towards the environment. Pride Roofing & Solar helps its clients accomplish their long-held dreams of achieving an energy-efficient home.

Insulate & Seal

Windows, doors, ventilation, and those random unnecessary holes are not benefitting your house. Instead, they are just adding 15% to your electricity bills!
Entirely sealing your home can cut your service bills by 11% (at the least), and adding insulation can even pull that up to 15%. Additionally, you get to enjoy tranquil, dustless homes with humidity regulations.

Get Energy-Efficient Appliances

Next up, switching to energy-efficient appliances can help. These appliances consume smaller amounts of energy, and save lots of energy. These appliances, on estimate, can save on your electricity bills by up to 30%, not to mention lessen the exploitation of natural gas and oil.

Conserve Water

Climate change is real, and it is always better to be late than never. Water resources are extremely limited, and conserving water must be the first step towards an energy-efficient home. For starters, cut back on using water heaters.

If you cannot do without hot water, keep the thermostat down to as low as possible. Otherwise, switch to energy-efficient water heaters, which can make a difference of anywhere between 9% and 300%.

Install Solar Panels

Our team can help you install a solar panel to convert solar energy into usable electricity. Solar panels help you increase your energy efficiency by up to 15%.

Besides, installing one helps you reduce fuel usage, save on electricity bills and diminish your carbon footprint.

Switching to a more energy-efficient home can be a beautiful change for both the environment and your pockets. Install solar panels right now and venture upon this journey to do your part in the climate crisis.


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