When to Replace your Roof

One of the best things about roofs is that they are long-lasting. You have them installed and with regular inspections and maintenance, they can last for decades. So how do you know when it's time to replace your roof? Pride Roofing & Solar is a residential roofing contractor serving Northern Colorado and Wyoming. Below, we'll take a look at how you'll know when to replace your roof. Call for a free estimate today!

A Worn Out Appearance

Go for a walk outside your home and look from afar at your roof. If your roof is looking old, such as faded, missing granules, or even curled shingles, it's probably time for a roof replacement.

Your Roof is Old

If you have an asphalt shingle roof, its lifespan is about 25 years old. However, other roofing materials, such as metal roofs, can last twice that long. Nevertheless, if you can't remember the last time you had your roof replaced, or you moved into an older home, it's probably time for a free roofing inspection from Pride Roofing & Solar to get a gauge on the state of your roof.

A Storm Rolled Through

Storm damage, especially wind and hail damage, is commonplace in Colorado and Wyoming. If a recent storm rolled through and you suspect your residential roof took a beating, it's a good idea to have your roof inspected for any damage that may require replacement.

Interior Damage like Leaks

If you haven't crawled up into your attic lately, it's probably time. Roof leaks are notorious for hiding out in your attic undetected until they begin to cause major damage. If you notice interior damage, such as water marks on your ceiling or damage in your attic, you may need a roof replacemen


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